





今日(昨日)の20:30からTOEFL HOME EDITIONを受けた。 機器のトラブル(ネットワーク越しにコピペをするとアプリが落ちるなど)があり、なかなかリーディングを始めることができずとても疲れた。


ライティングの時間が足りず。。。という感じ。 全部一応かけたけど推敲する時間がなかった。辛い。


全部終わった後にリーディングとリスニングの結果がでた。 R28, L29らしい。110点越えを狙っているので果たしてうまくいくのやら。。。

モンドリアン展に行った/Went to Mondrian exhibition


Why Modrian?

Recently I've been reading books about the composition and color of modern paintings. It explains how artists struggled to find the best composition and color for the subject like flower, person, landscape and so on. "Broadway Boogie Woogie" by Piet Modrian was also mentioned in the book and it was somewhat different from the others because it is so abstract that it doesn't seem like it has a subject. It is just a pattern of squares. The book mentinoed that this painting is like Jazz. It not only has a systematic rhythm but also some unpredictable blocks, which makes it similar to the improvisation of Jazz. Looking at this picture, I was shocked by how expressive art is and I got curious about how Mondrian came up with this idea, which led me to this museum.

Broadway Boogie Woogie

Details of the museum

I got to see three floors of the museum, which each had their own era. The first floor we saw was spotting to the early life of Modrian as an artist which he devoted his time on drawing in many different sytles. He tried realist landscapes, point painting, fauvism and cubism. Next, was the era which he spent his time on creating abstarct painting. During this period, Mondrian founded De Stijl, an art movement to advocate pure abstraction by geometric forms (primarily straight lines, squares and rectangles) and primary colors. One of his famous work, "Composition with red, blue and yellow" was exhibited here. Last, was a room with artworks of Mondrian's late years. Actually there were miscellaneous paintings here which had nothing to do with Mondrian. One of them was the "Sunflowers" by Van Gogh. It is owned by the Sompo Art Museum so I think you can also see it in the permanent exhibition too.

Mondrian Exibition



I like postcards so everytime when I go to a museum, I buy a few of them in the gift shop. I buy them to cover my walls because that is my favorite method of decoration. Currently all these have accumulated to about 8 so one of my wall is mostly covered by minature paintings. I don't want to cover all of the walls in my room because sometimes I feel like I want to stare at my original white wall. So, I need to start saving buying postcards, at least to like one for each museum.

New postcards

These are my newest addition to my postcard collection, I bought in the Modrian Museum. I especially like the one on the left. The title is "Composition in Oval with Color Planes". This work was made in 1913, which was a turning point to Modrian in the sense that it was the moment when the cubism of Picasso and Braque influenced him the most. If you look closely, you can see the word KUB on the lower right of the painting, which refers both to advertisement hoardings for the soup brand Kub, and to Kubism, Dutch for Cubism. A soft grey tonality infuses the whole with reminiscence of wintry Paris.

TOEFL Writing Practice 2


To be responsible adults, children should learn to manage their own money at young age.


  • お金を管理することは何を意味するか
  • お金を管理する→社会を学ぶ→取引→これを買うとお得か→どういうものにお金を使うべきかを知る
  • 管理するということは必ずしも無限にお金があるということではない。
  • お金を管理できない→散財するおとな
  • 教育機会が別にあるか


時間: 40分くらい

Children managing their own money does not mean that they have unlimited source of money. I think children should learn how to manage their own money if the total money usable is limited by their parents somehow.

If children get to manage their money, it is likely that they will use it all as soon as they are given because they are irrational compared with adults. At first, they will buy toys, games, food and so on without thinking how much is left in their pockets. But as soon they bankrupt and they get the experience of not being able to buy the toy they want, they will learn their mistakes. They will notice that a strategy to manage their money is needed. For instance, they might start buying toys in second-hand shops, use a cheaper transportation, or earn more money from parents by doing some help. I think this process helps children when they grow up. By appreciating the value of money in young age, it is unlikely that they will squander their money when they get adults.

Some might say that this only holds true for smart children. Most of the children will just use up all their money and beg to their parents for more. This might be true. But on these circumstances; when children used up all their money, the parent must show a strong will and let children learn what they have done; they should not give more money at least for free. By doing so, children will struggle to get money and as that experience is, I think, important for children’s growth. Thus, if the overall money flow is controlled by their parents, I think it will have a good effect on children.

For these reasons, it is important for children to learn the usage of their own money.



  • 内容が浮かばなかったがもうちょっと分析をちゃんとしとけばよかった、例えば大人になったらお金でどんな苦労をするかを具体的に書けばよかった。
  • Status Quo: 現状お金を無駄遣いしてしまう人がたくさんいる、ギャンブル、パチンコで破産してしまう人が存在する。
  • After the Plan: 子供の時からお金の使い方を学ことでお金を浪費せずに済むようになる。


  • I think children should learn how to manage their own money if the total money usable is limited by their parents somehow.

    • If だと弱い気がする
    • I think children should learn how to manage their own money on condition that the total money usage is limited by their parents in some way.
  • Squander money (浪費)

    • Squander money frivolously (適当に浪費)




  • Spend money irresponsibly
  • Physical currency is a great, tangible way to learn about money
  • Kids are capable of leaning about savings accounts
  • Set aside part of their allowance to put into an interest-bearing bank account
  • Get into the habit of saving money
  • Representational currency, like debit cards
  • Saving and sharing are just as important as spending
  • Allowances are tied to chores
  • Flat allowance in exchange for the basics expected of them (like making their beds and feeding household pets)
  • Comparison shopping
  • Middle school-age kids may not be eligible to get a traditional jobs
  • Give money to charity
  • Sound money management is one of the most valuable life skills you can teach your children
  • Demonstrating good money management is extremely important
  • Lay a solid foundation for good money management skills once they’re grown and out of the nest
  • Financial education
  • Some parents feel that finances are not their children’s business, or that financial matters are too complicated for their children to understand
  • Others don’t want to burden their children with some of the more stressful aspects of money management like debt and unexpected expenses
  • Getting your kids involved with money
  • Before going grocery shopping, clip coupons to show your children an easy way to save money
  • Choose an item on your shopping list, grab three different brands, and show your children that even though all the products are virtually identical, some cost more than others
  • Higher prices do not always mean higher quality, and there are many substitutes for most name-brand goods
  • Bring your children to the bank, open a savings account, and have your children fill out their own deposit slips from day one
  • This makes saving an activity, not a mandate
  • Review the monthly statements and show how money grows over time with interest
  • Discuss any withdrawals your child made and why
  • Allow their children to make their own decisions
  • Money is a tool that can have a very positive influence on somebody's life, but if it's not managed properly it quickly becomes a burden. Teaching money skills to your children will promote habits that will serve them well for their entire lives.


TOEFL Writing Practice 1



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Art and music have a greater contribution to society than science and math.


  • Art and music have basis in math and science
  • e.g. Composure, colours, psychological effect
  • Media, Internet
  • greater contributionとは, What kind of contribution?
  • Art, music: deliver joy, happiness, to people (more conceptual)
  • Math, science: deliver practical benefits (more concrete)


時間: 40分くらい

It is impossible to result the superiority of art to science or the other way around. But today, I support that math and science have a greater contribution to society than art and music. My argument is comprised of the following three reasons. First, art and music are consumed by those who wishes to consume them but math and science will provide its benefit to everyone on the planet. Second, art and music depends on math and science in terms of psychological effect caused by the artwork which has been developed from math and science. Third, art and music needs can be consumed by people because of technology.

What does poor people do when they get free time? The answer is that they work. They need to work in order to make a living. They do not have time or money to go to art museums or listen to classical musics in the mall. This implies that people can live without art and music. On the other hand, math and science is more fundamental to people’s lives. Thanks to the development of medical technology, you can bear a baby. Thanks to the development of infrastructure, you can access water. Thanks to the development of math, you can count money.

Most of the artist of fine art use techniques derived from math and science to make their work more appealing. For example, Van Gogh used golden ratio in his work because he knew that it is the most aesthetic ratio. Musicians researched the relationship between rhythms, melody and tempo and the people’s feeling. For example, a high frequency noise may make tension, and a low frequency noise may make people relax. The process of creating an artwork always relies on math and science.

In addition, art and music needs math and science to convey themselves. Nowadays, most of the people use the internet to listen to music, or see art. This is a great advance in art and music industry because it enables people to access art whereever they are and whenever they want. If they are not posted online, most of the people will not have a chance to consume them because you need to physically move your body to get them.

For all three reasons, I think that math and science are more fundamental to human lives therefore have a greater contribution to society.



  • It is impossible to result the superiority of art to science or the other way around.
    • なんか変
    • It is impossible to demonstrate the superiority of art and music over science and math, or the other way around.
  • First, art and music are consumed by those who wishes to consume them but math and science will provide its benefit to everyone on the planet.
    • この文の意味と1st paragraph が接続してない。
    • First, it is not always the case that people need art and music to make a living. の方が通じるかも
  • Second, art and music depends on math and science in terms of psychological effect caused by the artwork which has been developed from math and science.
    • 長い。
    • Second, the math and science are essential to the production of art and music.
  • Third, art and music needs can be consumed by people because of technology.
    • 何が言いたいのかよくわからない
    • Third, in modern society, art and music are contingent of the internet as their media.


It is impossible to demonstrate the superiority of art and music over science and math, or the other way around. But today, I support that math and science have a greater contribution to society than art and music. My argument is comprised of the following three reasons. First, it is not always the case that people need art and music to make a living. Second, math and science are essential to the production of art and music, therefore more fundamental. Third, in modern society, art and music are contingent of the internet as their media.

What do poor people do when they get free time? The answer is they don’t get any free-time. They need to work in order to make a living. They do not own the time or money to go to art museums or listen to classical musics in some concert halls. This implies that people can actually live without art and music. Of course, people live a better life with art and music because it conveys joys to people. But that is only exclusive to those who can afford it. Math and science, on the other hand, is more fundamental to people’s lives. Thanks to the development of medical technology, you can bear a baby safely. Thanks to the development of infrastructure, you can access water. Thanks to the development of math, you can count money.

Most of the painters use techniques derived from math and science to make their work more appealing. For example, Van Gogh used the golden ratio in many of his works because he knew that it is the most aesthetic ratio to human being. Musicians creates music based on the relationship between rhythms, melody, tempo and the people’s feeling. For example, a high frequency noise may make tension, and a low frequency noise may make people relax. The process of creating an artwork relies deeply on math and science.

In addition, art and music needs math and science to convey themselves. Nowadays, most of the people use the internet to listen to music, or enjoy art. For example, modern song writers post their songs on Youtube so that people can instantly listen to them. People can choose among myriads of paintings in the internet catalogs when buying one them. If it were not for the internet, artists will not have a chance to distribute their work to such many people because otherwise consumers need to attend galleries or museums to physically acquire them.

For all three reasons, I think that math and science are more fundamental to human lives therefore have a greater contribution to society.

#1 「100分de名著」サルトル 実存主義とは何か


NHKの「100分de名著」というシリーズで古典文学や哲学書の内容を把握しようと意気込んでおります。 ホントは原著で読んだ方が良いのだろうけど、原著で読めるほどの体力も能力もありません。 何も読まないよりはマシということで、「100分de名著」シリーズを読んでいこうと思います。 読み終わって興味があったら原著を見てみます。 「100分de名著」すら疲れた時は、漫画でわかる名作〜的なのにするかもしれません。それくらいゆるくやっていくつもりです。

サルトル 実存主義とは何か


貴重な(?)第一回はサルトル実存主義とは何かを読みました。 実はもともとレヴィストロースに興味があり、野生の思考を読んでみようと思ったことがきっかけこれを選びました。(これも「100分de名著」シリーズにあります。)











結論から申しますと、自分はサルトルの「実存は本質に先立つ」という言葉に勇気づけられました。 なぜならこれは、人間は人間として一括りにできる性質がなく、例えば、お前は人間として最低限これができないといけないとか、こうでなければいけないというのからは自由である、というステートメントであるからです。

「実存」というのは、この世界に現実に存在するということ。他方「本質」とは目には見えないもので物の場合ならばその物の性質の総体を指します。 ペーパーナイフの例がわかりやすいです。ペーパーナイフは本質が実存に先立っています。というのも、ペーパーナイフはその製造法や用途、すなわち「本質」を知らずにペーパーナイフという物「実存」を作ることができないからです。どうでもいいですが、これはオブジェクト指向に似ていて、メンバ変数や関数を集めたクラスが「本質」であり、そこからできるインスタンスが「実存」と捉えることができると思いました。





