

TOEFL Writing Practice 2


To be responsible adults, children should learn to manage their own money at young age.


  • お金を管理することは何を意味するか
  • お金を管理する→社会を学ぶ→取引→これを買うとお得か→どういうものにお金を使うべきかを知る
  • 管理するということは必ずしも無限にお金があるということではない。
  • お金を管理できない→散財するおとな
  • 教育機会が別にあるか


時間: 40分くらい

Children managing their own money does not mean that they have unlimited source of money. I think children should learn how to manage their own money if the total money usable is limited by their parents somehow.

If children get to manage their money, it is likely that they will use it all as soon as they are given because they are irrational compared with adults. At first, they will buy toys, games, food and so on without thinking how much is left in their pockets. But as soon they bankrupt and they get the experience of not being able to buy the toy they want, they will learn their mistakes. They will notice that a strategy to manage their money is needed. For instance, they might start buying toys in second-hand shops, use a cheaper transportation, or earn more money from parents by doing some help. I think this process helps children when they grow up. By appreciating the value of money in young age, it is unlikely that they will squander their money when they get adults.

Some might say that this only holds true for smart children. Most of the children will just use up all their money and beg to their parents for more. This might be true. But on these circumstances; when children used up all their money, the parent must show a strong will and let children learn what they have done; they should not give more money at least for free. By doing so, children will struggle to get money and as that experience is, I think, important for children’s growth. Thus, if the overall money flow is controlled by their parents, I think it will have a good effect on children.

For these reasons, it is important for children to learn the usage of their own money.



  • 内容が浮かばなかったがもうちょっと分析をちゃんとしとけばよかった、例えば大人になったらお金でどんな苦労をするかを具体的に書けばよかった。
  • Status Quo: 現状お金を無駄遣いしてしまう人がたくさんいる、ギャンブル、パチンコで破産してしまう人が存在する。
  • After the Plan: 子供の時からお金の使い方を学ことでお金を浪費せずに済むようになる。


  • I think children should learn how to manage their own money if the total money usable is limited by their parents somehow.

    • If だと弱い気がする
    • I think children should learn how to manage their own money on condition that the total money usage is limited by their parents in some way.
  • Squander money (浪費)

    • Squander money frivolously (適当に浪費)




  • Spend money irresponsibly
  • Physical currency is a great, tangible way to learn about money
  • Kids are capable of leaning about savings accounts
  • Set aside part of their allowance to put into an interest-bearing bank account
  • Get into the habit of saving money
  • Representational currency, like debit cards
  • Saving and sharing are just as important as spending
  • Allowances are tied to chores
  • Flat allowance in exchange for the basics expected of them (like making their beds and feeding household pets)
  • Comparison shopping
  • Middle school-age kids may not be eligible to get a traditional jobs
  • Give money to charity
  • Sound money management is one of the most valuable life skills you can teach your children
  • Demonstrating good money management is extremely important
  • Lay a solid foundation for good money management skills once they’re grown and out of the nest
  • Financial education
  • Some parents feel that finances are not their children’s business, or that financial matters are too complicated for their children to understand
  • Others don’t want to burden their children with some of the more stressful aspects of money management like debt and unexpected expenses
  • Getting your kids involved with money
  • Before going grocery shopping, clip coupons to show your children an easy way to save money
  • Choose an item on your shopping list, grab three different brands, and show your children that even though all the products are virtually identical, some cost more than others
  • Higher prices do not always mean higher quality, and there are many substitutes for most name-brand goods
  • Bring your children to the bank, open a savings account, and have your children fill out their own deposit slips from day one
  • This makes saving an activity, not a mandate
  • Review the monthly statements and show how money grows over time with interest
  • Discuss any withdrawals your child made and why
  • Allow their children to make their own decisions
  • Money is a tool that can have a very positive influence on somebody's life, but if it's not managed properly it quickly becomes a burden. Teaching money skills to your children will promote habits that will serve them well for their entire lives.
